Black, African and Caribbean Communities Event

On Monday 11th September 2023, Alderman Alastair King DL was pleased to host a celebration of the contribution of the Black, African and Caribbean Communities to the City of London at the Old Bailey.

This reception marked the many examples of how the Black communities have successfully set up business in London, providing jobs and prosperity.

Blondel Cluff CBE in conversation

Speakers included Blondel Cluff CBE and Kwesi Bimpong.

Blondel Cluff CBE is Chief Executive for The West India Committee. She spoke about her lived experience and the incredible work of the West India Committee. Kwesi Bimpong leads The Black Apprentice Network, a growing community link for aspiring Caribbean and African apprentices, particularly in the technology, law, and finance sectors. Kwesi shared his experience as a Goldman Sachs apprentice and the memories of his late uncle that inspired him to work in the Square Mile.

Kwesi Bimpong

Alderman King DL would like to thank the team at the Old Bailey who organised and catered the event; His Honour Judge Mark Lucraft KC, the Recorder of London, with whose permission the event took place; Mark Gettleson and the City Belonging Project, who assisted with putting the event together; and Blondel Cluff CBE and Kwesi Bimpong for speaking.

Alderman King DL

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